Friday, December 30, 2011

Maggi goreng vs Maggi rebus

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Jika hidup itu digambarkan sebagai teori relativiti Einsten, kita umpama satu kereta api yang bergerak bersama cahaya.Setiap kali akan ada cahaya yang menerjah gerabak itu pada masa-masa yang berbeza. -Edensor, Andrea Hirata-

Awak dan saya. Kelajuan, pecutan dan jarak yang ditempuh kita berbeza. Awak bawak 50 km/jam. Saya pecut lagi laju, 100 km/jam.

Cahaya demi cahaya menerjah pada masa yang berbeza. Peristiwa demi peristiwa datang kepada kita pada masa yang berbeza. Pengalaman demi pengalaman dikutip dari setiap peristiwa juga pastinya berbeza.

Awak masuk darjah satu dulu. Saya pulak 1 tahun kemudian.

Awak dah pandai eja AYAM awal dari saya. Saya rasa macam awaklah manusia paling pandai masa tengok awak tulis A. Saya pulak 1 tahun kemudian baru tahu eja AYAM tu pergh sangat senang.

Awak pandai baca Al-Fatihah lagi awal dari saya. Saya :O kagum. Saya mengaji rajin-rajin, nak jadi pandai macam awak, boleh baca Al-Fatihah.

Sekarang, awak di Korea saya di England.

Awak jumpa si sepet comel. Saya jumpa mat salih berhidung mancung.

Awak cakap Annyeong! selepas bagi salam masa kita berSkype. Saya pulak cakap Hello! selepas bagi salam.

Hari tu masa balik Malaysia, awak ajak datang rumah. Awak cakap awak masak spesel punya. Sampai rumah awak saya kiss-pipi-kanan-kiss-pipi-kiri & hugs *in combo* sebab saya rindu sangat dengan awak.

Saya buat muka tak malu tanya pasal lauk spesel hari ni yang awak janji dalam sms.

Tada~! Maggi sup goreng tambah daging panggang spesel resipi dari Korea.

Saya buat muka :O dan cakap pelik. Mana pernah orang buat di England & Malaysia. Saya tak nak cuba dan asyik kata itu pelik. Maggi sup rebus la paling sedap di dunia kalau letak telur lagi sedap.

Saya suruh awak baca manual belakang maggi. "Tengok. Mana ada dia cakap goreng. Rebus, rebus!"

Tiba-tiba adik awak Andreana Hirata datang sambil bawak nota Fizik dia dan membaca notanya dengan kuat,

Jika hidup itu digambarkan sebagai teori relativiti Einsten, kita umpama satu kereta api yang bergerak bersama cahaya.Setiap kali akan ada cahaya yang menerjah gerabak itu pada masa-masa yang berbeza.

Oh! Kita pun tersedar. Bahawa kita sememangnya berbeza kerana cahaya yang menerjah gerabak hidup kita berbeza.

Saya pun mula rasa resepi spesel awak tu tak pelik tapi unik & harus sekali untuk dirasa. Bila rasa & kunyah 40 kali terasa sungguh nikmat sebab sangat berbeza dari maggi rebus campur telur.


We cant expect people to think & act like us. They have going through different environment & situation in life. Accept the fact that we are different. That is what the Prophet did, he accepts Umar who is so strict , Abu Bakar the opposite of Umar and everyone just the way they are. There must be a reason why Allah swt created us with distinct characters. :pandacloud_26:

Nota kaki: Kalau semua orang macam saya, hmm. Berwarna pink lah seluruh rumah di Malaysia. :pandacloud_32:

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Read & ponder

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

This photo was taken 1 year ago during Kembara Jalan Kaki PERKEPIS. Cikai-cikai-ly editted using Photoscape because Piknik cant be accessed. Most importantly people, read and ponder the ayat I put in the photo not looking at my shoes. :p

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Dicurik dari MukaBuku Kak Wani yang baik hati yang hantar parcel berkeychain LONDON & magnet peti sejuk LONDON comel.

Tips Kak wardina share masa workshop TOF hari tu :) Let's try this peeps! XD

1. Buy a copy of The Quran, carry it with you!
2. Never leave home without it!
3. Read it and understand it DAILY start by 1 ayat a day. Ponder, think, reflect.
4. Learn to perfect your Tajweed
5. Write down any ayat that touches your heart
6. Share it with others
7. Memorize it
8. Find peace in The Quran
9. See the difference in you!

Untuk no 6. Tada~!

"Dan sungguh, Kami telah menciptakan manusia dan mengetahui apa yang dibisikkan oleh hatinya, dan Kami lebih dekat kepadanya daripada urat lehernya." (Qaf, 50: 16)

Sangat kagum dengan Kak Dina yang bersemangat sungguh berdakwah sana sini. Moga diberikan kekuatan untuk saya, awak, awak dan awakk untuk jadi rantaian penyambung perjuangan kekasih tercinta Rasulullah saw. ^__^

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Being Happy.

It has been too long since I read books other than my course textbooks. *sigh* Trying very hard to finish Being Happy since it is not mine.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This semester

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

This semester is really something.

Crying, moody, abnormal hormones level and etc are common things happened.

First few weeks I was so stress that I kept on crying *yes, crying while doing reports & reading*

I keep on reminding myself. " Tini, study is a jihad. This is one of the ways to gain Allah bless & love. This is how you can help the Islam & ummah."

Well what makes things become more complicated is my perfectionism. *I have to read Being Happy book!*

Oh Allah, please ease my way.

Friday, December 2, 2011


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~! *Just imagine that now you hear a Mandrake the screaming plant crying*

Tada! This is Mandrake. For those who are 'kipas-susah-mati' @ die-hard fan of Harry Potter of course you will know about this loud thingy which appeared in the Herbology class.

Oh well, I am not planning to rant about Harry Potter stuff. Okay, why on earth I suddenly write about this Mandrake is because I did learn about this Mandrake in real life, not in Herbology but in Pharmacology. In real life this plant is known is Mangrene, alkaloid anti-cancer agent *I am not sure about the spelling* Yeah, this is for real! I was like 'Did JK Rowling learnt Pharmacology?'

Thanks to my favorite-lecturer-of-all -time Dr Rohi who told us during the Pharmacology class. I am sooooooooooooo sad because today's class was his last lecture with us. I never felt bored & even sleepy in his class *lie, actually there was one time I slept for 15 minutes but that was the first and the last*. He always, all the time said 'Pharmacology is not just about you read the books and hafal, hafal and hafal those drugs name people. Relate it with your life.'

When he taught us on the anti-schizophrenia drugs he asked us ' Do you know a Beautiful Mind movie?' Then he made rolling eyes because 99% of us were 'haaaaah?' Hoho.

' So do you watch this this *bla bla*?' Again we were 'Haaaa?' Another rolling eyes.

'Do you know this drug is named by the Dewa Greek?' He even told us the full story okay.

He is so awesome! He did get his PhD during his early 30! He's aware of his surrounding; he covers lots of areas & knowledge. He is a student friendly lecturer and what made me sooo touched was, today his file was corrupted so he said to us ' I need to go to the office to get the file ok'. Blok H sangat laaa jauh ok dari DK1. He is so committed to his job.

His last word was ' Jangan belajar semata-mata kerana exam. Saya harap awak semua dapat aplikasi perkara yang saya ajar dalam hidup. Memang la you kena skor exam tapi life long learning is what really matter. Saya doakan you all dapat yang terbaik.'

I want to like him someday or better, yes maybe when UNIMAS opens their Allied Science Faculty I can be one of the lecturer kan? ^____^

Sheikh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah hafizahullah menegaskan di dalam buku beliau al-Rasul al-Mu’allim, salah satu daripada teknik mengajar yang diamalkan oleh Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam sebagai seorang guru, adalah mencegah kejemuan anak murid. -Pembaziran yang terhijab,

p/s: i wrote this post 3-4 days ago and i only have the time to post it now cos Jaring meragam.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Maggi goreng vs Maggi rebus

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Jika hidup itu digambarkan sebagai teori relativiti Einsten, kita umpama satu kereta api yang bergerak bersama cahaya.Setiap kali akan ada cahaya yang menerjah gerabak itu pada masa-masa yang berbeza. -Edensor, Andrea Hirata-

Awak dan saya. Kelajuan, pecutan dan jarak yang ditempuh kita berbeza. Awak bawak 50 km/jam. Saya pecut lagi laju, 100 km/jam.

Cahaya demi cahaya menerjah pada masa yang berbeza. Peristiwa demi peristiwa datang kepada kita pada masa yang berbeza. Pengalaman demi pengalaman dikutip dari setiap peristiwa juga pastinya berbeza.

Awak masuk darjah satu dulu. Saya pulak 1 tahun kemudian.

Awak dah pandai eja AYAM awal dari saya. Saya rasa macam awaklah manusia paling pandai masa tengok awak tulis A. Saya pulak 1 tahun kemudian baru tahu eja AYAM tu pergh sangat senang.

Awak pandai baca Al-Fatihah lagi awal dari saya. Saya :O kagum. Saya mengaji rajin-rajin, nak jadi pandai macam awak, boleh baca Al-Fatihah.

Sekarang, awak di Korea saya di England.

Awak jumpa si sepet comel. Saya jumpa mat salih berhidung mancung.

Awak cakap Annyeong! selepas bagi salam masa kita berSkype. Saya pulak cakap Hello! selepas bagi salam.

Hari tu masa balik Malaysia, awak ajak datang rumah. Awak cakap awak masak spesel punya. Sampai rumah awak saya kiss-pipi-kanan-kiss-pipi-kiri & hugs *in combo* sebab saya rindu sangat dengan awak.

Saya buat muka tak malu tanya pasal lauk spesel hari ni yang awak janji dalam sms.

Tada~! Maggi sup goreng tambah daging panggang spesel resipi dari Korea.

Saya buat muka :O dan cakap pelik. Mana pernah orang buat di England & Malaysia. Saya tak nak cuba dan asyik kata itu pelik. Maggi sup rebus la paling sedap di dunia kalau letak telur lagi sedap.

Saya suruh awak baca manual belakang maggi. "Tengok. Mana ada dia cakap goreng. Rebus, rebus!"

Tiba-tiba adik awak Andreana Hirata datang sambil bawak nota Fizik dia dan membaca notanya dengan kuat,

Jika hidup itu digambarkan sebagai teori relativiti Einsten, kita umpama satu kereta api yang bergerak bersama cahaya.Setiap kali akan ada cahaya yang menerjah gerabak itu pada masa-masa yang berbeza.

Oh! Kita pun tersedar. Bahawa kita sememangnya berbeza kerana cahaya yang menerjah gerabak hidup kita berbeza.

Saya pun mula rasa resepi spesel awak tu tak pelik tapi unik & harus sekali untuk dirasa. Bila rasa & kunyah 40 kali terasa sungguh nikmat sebab sangat berbeza dari maggi rebus campur telur.


We cant expect people to think & act like us. They have going through different environment & situation in life. Accept the fact that we are different. That is what the Prophet did, he accepts Umar who is so strict , Abu Bakar the opposite of Umar and everyone just the way they are. There must be a reason why Allah swt created us with distinct characters. :pandacloud_26:

Nota kaki: Kalau semua orang macam saya, hmm. Berwarna pink lah seluruh rumah di Malaysia. :pandacloud_32:

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Read & ponder

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

This photo was taken 1 year ago during Kembara Jalan Kaki PERKEPIS. Cikai-cikai-ly editted using Photoscape because Piknik cant be accessed. Most importantly people, read and ponder the ayat I put in the photo not looking at my shoes. :p

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Dicurik dari MukaBuku Kak Wani yang baik hati yang hantar parcel berkeychain LONDON & magnet peti sejuk LONDON comel.

Tips Kak wardina share masa workshop TOF hari tu :) Let's try this peeps! XD

1. Buy a copy of The Quran, carry it with you!
2. Never leave home without it!
3. Read it and understand it DAILY start by 1 ayat a day. Ponder, think, reflect.
4. Learn to perfect your Tajweed
5. Write down any ayat that touches your heart
6. Share it with others
7. Memorize it
8. Find peace in The Quran
9. See the difference in you!

Untuk no 6. Tada~!

"Dan sungguh, Kami telah menciptakan manusia dan mengetahui apa yang dibisikkan oleh hatinya, dan Kami lebih dekat kepadanya daripada urat lehernya." (Qaf, 50: 16)

Sangat kagum dengan Kak Dina yang bersemangat sungguh berdakwah sana sini. Moga diberikan kekuatan untuk saya, awak, awak dan awakk untuk jadi rantaian penyambung perjuangan kekasih tercinta Rasulullah saw. ^__^

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Being Happy.

It has been too long since I read books other than my course textbooks. *sigh* Trying very hard to finish Being Happy since it is not mine.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This semester

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

This semester is really something.

Crying, moody, abnormal hormones level and etc are common things happened.

First few weeks I was so stress that I kept on crying *yes, crying while doing reports & reading*

I keep on reminding myself. " Tini, study is a jihad. This is one of the ways to gain Allah bless & love. This is how you can help the Islam & ummah."

Well what makes things become more complicated is my perfectionism. *I have to read Being Happy book!*

Oh Allah, please ease my way.

Friday, December 2, 2011


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~! *Just imagine that now you hear a Mandrake the screaming plant crying*

Tada! This is Mandrake. For those who are 'kipas-susah-mati' @ die-hard fan of Harry Potter of course you will know about this loud thingy which appeared in the Herbology class.

Oh well, I am not planning to rant about Harry Potter stuff. Okay, why on earth I suddenly write about this Mandrake is because I did learn about this Mandrake in real life, not in Herbology but in Pharmacology. In real life this plant is known is Mangrene, alkaloid anti-cancer agent *I am not sure about the spelling* Yeah, this is for real! I was like 'Did JK Rowling learnt Pharmacology?'

Thanks to my favorite-lecturer-of-all -time Dr Rohi who told us during the Pharmacology class. I am sooooooooooooo sad because today's class was his last lecture with us. I never felt bored & even sleepy in his class *lie, actually there was one time I slept for 15 minutes but that was the first and the last*. He always, all the time said 'Pharmacology is not just about you read the books and hafal, hafal and hafal those drugs name people. Relate it with your life.'

When he taught us on the anti-schizophrenia drugs he asked us ' Do you know a Beautiful Mind movie?' Then he made rolling eyes because 99% of us were 'haaaaah?' Hoho.

' So do you watch this this *bla bla*?' Again we were 'Haaaa?' Another rolling eyes.

'Do you know this drug is named by the Dewa Greek?' He even told us the full story okay.

He is so awesome! He did get his PhD during his early 30! He's aware of his surrounding; he covers lots of areas & knowledge. He is a student friendly lecturer and what made me sooo touched was, today his file was corrupted so he said to us ' I need to go to the office to get the file ok'. Blok H sangat laaa jauh ok dari DK1. He is so committed to his job.

His last word was ' Jangan belajar semata-mata kerana exam. Saya harap awak semua dapat aplikasi perkara yang saya ajar dalam hidup. Memang la you kena skor exam tapi life long learning is what really matter. Saya doakan you all dapat yang terbaik.'

I want to like him someday or better, yes maybe when UNIMAS opens their Allied Science Faculty I can be one of the lecturer kan? ^____^

Sheikh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah hafizahullah menegaskan di dalam buku beliau al-Rasul al-Mu’allim, salah satu daripada teknik mengajar yang diamalkan oleh Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam sebagai seorang guru, adalah mencegah kejemuan anak murid. -Pembaziran yang terhijab,

p/s: i wrote this post 3-4 days ago and i only have the time to post it now cos Jaring meragam.