Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Run for your life"

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


Tadaa, i'm back! after a few month of missing in action. :P I am busy with clinical after a month of holy-days  in Kuching. I was posting to Selayang Hospital. The radiographers, OT staffs, orthophedic doctors, nurses and other staffs are very nice. :D Rasa macam tak nak habis klinikal je.

So people, let me share a little bit of my experience in Selayang. Maybe something which is very very very very important for the public to know. Oh kay. Let see, I am pretty sure almost every one (if i have any reader.haha.) of you have gone for x-ray examination before so these are the things which you should know:

No 1: "Mommy, tell them I am in here*stomach*"

If you are PREGNANT or suspected to be pregnant, please please inform the radiographer/doctor in charge before the x-ray procedure is done especially for x-ray of your stomach area and below it i mean reproductive area/kawasan peranakan.

X-ray can cause damage to your fetus/baby-to-be DNAs which in turn will cause any abnormalities to your future baby.

No 2. Run for your life!

*Sentiasa nak catchy je tajuk kan. Hoho.*
If you see any mobile x-ray machine around like this one;

don't run yet. :P Run ehem walking is better la because you are in hospital :P at least 2 meter away if there is an x-ray procedure that will be carried out. A radiographer will tell you to go away from that place or he/she may simply ask you to stay behind him/her. Ala, beratur ala-ala main kereta api masa kecik. The radiographer is like a lead shield who act as hero/-in who sacrificing their life for you. Chewahhh. He/she will be wearing a heavy lead gown which act as a shield and the gown will absorb the radiation.

'I don't care about that radiation thingy la. Bahaya sangat kee. Tanah, matahari pun bagi radiasi apa. Tak pulak you lari'

Bagi yang single lagi atau dalam umur yang boleh mengandung:
Hello~ Senang cerita, kalau awak nak ada anak awak main jauh-jauh. Dengan jarak yang sangat sangat dekat dengan sumber radiasi macam-macam boleh jadi dalam sel-sel tubuh kita.

Radiation is something that we can't see but it maybe cause catastrophic effect to your DNAs and cells or to your decedents.

No.3 I am not married yet!

I am not talking about myself. Keke. People, if you are in a child-bearing age (male & female / married or not yet) and you have to do an x-ray in any parts of your body please ask for a gonad shield which looks like this:

The radiographer will cover your reproductive area with this for any x-ray procedure (hand x-ray, foot x-ray, shoulder etc) except if you are to x-ray stomach area and the reproductive area itself because this will obscure organs that the doctor want to see.

Reproductive area is the one of the most sensitive area to radiation because of the ovum and sperm are there and they are important for reproduction. Besides, our eyes also sensitive to radiation that is why when people getting older their visions are no longer good because of cosmic radiation from sun and etc.

Itu saja. Pen off.

Selamat Menunaikan Solat Fardhu Maghrib! Sama-sama le kita cuba untuk solat awal di awal waktu. (:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Run for your life"

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


Tadaa, i'm back! after a few month of missing in action. :P I am busy with clinical after a month of holy-days  in Kuching. I was posting to Selayang Hospital. The radiographers, OT staffs, orthophedic doctors, nurses and other staffs are very nice. :D Rasa macam tak nak habis klinikal je.

So people, let me share a little bit of my experience in Selayang. Maybe something which is very very very very important for the public to know. Oh kay. Let see, I am pretty sure almost every one (if i have any reader.haha.) of you have gone for x-ray examination before so these are the things which you should know:

No 1: "Mommy, tell them I am in here*stomach*"

If you are PREGNANT or suspected to be pregnant, please please inform the radiographer/doctor in charge before the x-ray procedure is done especially for x-ray of your stomach area and below it i mean reproductive area/kawasan peranakan.

X-ray can cause damage to your fetus/baby-to-be DNAs which in turn will cause any abnormalities to your future baby.

No 2. Run for your life!

*Sentiasa nak catchy je tajuk kan. Hoho.*
If you see any mobile x-ray machine around like this one;

don't run yet. :P Run ehem walking is better la because you are in hospital :P at least 2 meter away if there is an x-ray procedure that will be carried out. A radiographer will tell you to go away from that place or he/she may simply ask you to stay behind him/her. Ala, beratur ala-ala main kereta api masa kecik. The radiographer is like a lead shield who act as hero/-in who sacrificing their life for you. Chewahhh. He/she will be wearing a heavy lead gown which act as a shield and the gown will absorb the radiation.

'I don't care about that radiation thingy la. Bahaya sangat kee. Tanah, matahari pun bagi radiasi apa. Tak pulak you lari'

Bagi yang single lagi atau dalam umur yang boleh mengandung:
Hello~ Senang cerita, kalau awak nak ada anak awak main jauh-jauh. Dengan jarak yang sangat sangat dekat dengan sumber radiasi macam-macam boleh jadi dalam sel-sel tubuh kita.

Radiation is something that we can't see but it maybe cause catastrophic effect to your DNAs and cells or to your decedents.

No.3 I am not married yet!

I am not talking about myself. Keke. People, if you are in a child-bearing age (male & female / married or not yet) and you have to do an x-ray in any parts of your body please ask for a gonad shield which looks like this:

The radiographer will cover your reproductive area with this for any x-ray procedure (hand x-ray, foot x-ray, shoulder etc) except if you are to x-ray stomach area and the reproductive area itself because this will obscure organs that the doctor want to see.

Reproductive area is the one of the most sensitive area to radiation because of the ovum and sperm are there and they are important for reproduction. Besides, our eyes also sensitive to radiation that is why when people getting older their visions are no longer good because of cosmic radiation from sun and etc.

Itu saja. Pen off.

Selamat Menunaikan Solat Fardhu Maghrib! Sama-sama le kita cuba untuk solat awal di awal waktu. (: