Wednesday, July 24, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

I have 2 nieces, both of the same age - 4 years old named Ain and Mirza. They went to the same school, Tadika ABIM Semariang. My aunt (their grandma) told me a short-yet-it-happened-to-make-me-LOLing-non-stop conversation between Mirza's and her mom (my cousin, Kak Nana): 

Kak Nana: On the evening you'll be attending kelas Fardhu AIN okay? 
Mirza: *with innocent and face full of jealousy* Why why it has to be Fardhu AIN~? Mirza also wants Fardhu MIRZA

Hahahahhahaha. It happened to be she was not knowing what's Fardhu Ain means yet at that time. Let us pray these two beautiful angels of mine and her aunt will become as solehah as Ummul Mukminin~ 

p/s: Subhanallah, I swear those little angels could melt your sorrow away with their adorable-ness, honesty and innocent acts.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4 Temperaments

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


Last Sunday, after spending too much time indoor I started to feel nauseous. Fidgeting and rolling here and there oh not really rolling duh, I'm not really that light to roll here and there easily. Well, its a so called Sanguine Syndrome. :P 

Ah well, I particularly write this post to recommend a book which I bought at Kinokuniya! Oh this place is heaven~ Its books, floor, bench, staff and cool-book & map-machine wohoo I have more to say but lets keep it simple: Kinokuniya is awesome! It even has cafe yeah I know MPH already has one since forever but MPH is too far from my place *whyyyy you people close your shop in Bukit Bintang and I only knew about this last 3 months even though the shop was closed 2 years ago after spending 2 hours looking for that store and end up of buying a skirt. tragic isn't?*

Enough on the 'brief' intro about Kino. 

Now presenting to you guys, tadaaaaa: 

PERSONALITY PLUS BY FLORENCE LITTAUER! I have been eyeing for this book since last 6 months and usually end up of not buying it as I have spent money over other things for that month. Luckily, during my visit, Kino was offering discount for few books and apparently PP was one of them! When I read this book, I felt like I was glued on the bench. I couldn't move even if i want to. LOL. 

Let me make a short summary on this book:
- Once you read the name I am pretty sure it rings a bell. Its a self-improving, motivation and a bit of psychological. Don't get trick by the title, its not containing heavy contents. This woman Florence really makes me feel like " I am glad there's someone think and act like me. Hence, I am normal~" Being a Sanguine/Choleric type she tells lots of stories and I even imagine herself being so chirpy and bubbly telling me each of her story. 

- Basically this book elaborates more on the 4 Temperaments Personality interpretation by Hippocrates, Greek's physician (460–370 BC). The picture below will give you an introduction to the 4 Temperaments.

After looking at the pictures, who do you think you are? The bubbly Sanguine :3 or strong willed Choleric V^_^Vor is it perfectionist Melancholy B) or cool Phlegmatic O-O ? You can possess a combination of these. To know better, buy this book. I don't really have strength to type too many words here. Hehe. What I want to highlight here is it stress on how to learn to accept ourselves and others. ^_^

- Besides, she even share on how to polish our strengths and overcome our weaknesses. This really helps me to actually control myself. Haha. Before reading her book, I have started to practise some of her advices and alhamdulillah they really working well on me. This makes me wanting so bad to meet her in person.  >_< 

Why am I promoting this book? 

The main reason is I want you guys to feel good about yourself and others like what I feel. Good thing is meant to be shared isn't it? Andd actually the other thing is this book can be useful in dakwah too. Tell me how can you preach or doing dakwah to someone which you can't even accept themselves as they are. So thats my point. 

You got what I mean? I am sure you are. B)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

I have 2 nieces, both of the same age - 4 years old named Ain and Mirza. They went to the same school, Tadika ABIM Semariang. My aunt (their grandma) told me a short-yet-it-happened-to-make-me-LOLing-non-stop conversation between Mirza's and her mom (my cousin, Kak Nana): 

Kak Nana: On the evening you'll be attending kelas Fardhu AIN okay? 
Mirza: *with innocent and face full of jealousy* Why why it has to be Fardhu AIN~? Mirza also wants Fardhu MIRZA

Hahahahhahaha. It happened to be she was not knowing what's Fardhu Ain means yet at that time. Let us pray these two beautiful angels of mine and her aunt will become as solehah as Ummul Mukminin~ 

p/s: Subhanallah, I swear those little angels could melt your sorrow away with their adorable-ness, honesty and innocent acts.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4 Temperaments

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


Last Sunday, after spending too much time indoor I started to feel nauseous. Fidgeting and rolling here and there oh not really rolling duh, I'm not really that light to roll here and there easily. Well, its a so called Sanguine Syndrome. :P 

Ah well, I particularly write this post to recommend a book which I bought at Kinokuniya! Oh this place is heaven~ Its books, floor, bench, staff and cool-book & map-machine wohoo I have more to say but lets keep it simple: Kinokuniya is awesome! It even has cafe yeah I know MPH already has one since forever but MPH is too far from my place *whyyyy you people close your shop in Bukit Bintang and I only knew about this last 3 months even though the shop was closed 2 years ago after spending 2 hours looking for that store and end up of buying a skirt. tragic isn't?*

Enough on the 'brief' intro about Kino. 

Now presenting to you guys, tadaaaaa: 

PERSONALITY PLUS BY FLORENCE LITTAUER! I have been eyeing for this book since last 6 months and usually end up of not buying it as I have spent money over other things for that month. Luckily, during my visit, Kino was offering discount for few books and apparently PP was one of them! When I read this book, I felt like I was glued on the bench. I couldn't move even if i want to. LOL. 

Let me make a short summary on this book:
- Once you read the name I am pretty sure it rings a bell. Its a self-improving, motivation and a bit of psychological. Don't get trick by the title, its not containing heavy contents. This woman Florence really makes me feel like " I am glad there's someone think and act like me. Hence, I am normal~" Being a Sanguine/Choleric type she tells lots of stories and I even imagine herself being so chirpy and bubbly telling me each of her story. 

- Basically this book elaborates more on the 4 Temperaments Personality interpretation by Hippocrates, Greek's physician (460–370 BC). The picture below will give you an introduction to the 4 Temperaments.

After looking at the pictures, who do you think you are? The bubbly Sanguine :3 or strong willed Choleric V^_^Vor is it perfectionist Melancholy B) or cool Phlegmatic O-O ? You can possess a combination of these. To know better, buy this book. I don't really have strength to type too many words here. Hehe. What I want to highlight here is it stress on how to learn to accept ourselves and others. ^_^

- Besides, she even share on how to polish our strengths and overcome our weaknesses. This really helps me to actually control myself. Haha. Before reading her book, I have started to practise some of her advices and alhamdulillah they really working well on me. This makes me wanting so bad to meet her in person.  >_< 

Why am I promoting this book? 

The main reason is I want you guys to feel good about yourself and others like what I feel. Good thing is meant to be shared isn't it? Andd actually the other thing is this book can be useful in dakwah too. Tell me how can you preach or doing dakwah to someone which you can't even accept themselves as they are. So thats my point. 

You got what I mean? I am sure you are. B)