Friday, August 16, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Semasa berkunjung di rumah Mudir Madrasah Al-Khairat Kuching yang tidak pernah berputus asa berdakwah di Sarawak selama 30 tahun iaitu Habib Muhammad Bin Alawi Al-Attas (gambar: 2 dari kanan) beliau ringan mulut berceloteh tentang falsafah hidup di sebalik pelbagai ciptaan Allah. Syoknya pergi beraya ke rumah orang-orang soleh, perut dengan hati sekali yang terisi. :)

Sumber: Pondok Habib

Antara tausiyahnya yang paling saya ingati ialah

Cili itu rasanya? tanya beliau.

Pedas~ jawab kanak-kanak riang. Hehe.

Pernah belah cili dan tengok bijinya?


Bentuknya seperti apa?

Mm? Selama ni main potong-potong je tak beri perhatian pun dekat biji cili yang kecil molek tu. -_- 

Bentuknya seperti hati! *senyum* Kepedasan cili itu umpama ujian hidup di dunia dan di sebalik setiap ujian ada kasih sayang Allah mengiringi seperti banyaknya biji cili yang berbentuk hati itu. 


Nanges sebab asyik lupa. Selepas dengar tausiyah ni pun esoknya merungut lagi lagi dan lagi. Kecewa lagi lagi dan lagi. Tak bersyukur lagi lagi dan lagi. Dulu bukan main doa nak Allah bagi ingat Allah setiap masa. Bila Allah bagi ujian silih berganti macam marathon supaya boleh ingat Allah setiap masa sebab memang fitrah hamba masa susahnya paling ingat Allah tak redha pulak. 

Tini, Tini. 

Tolong doakan saya. Semoga dengan doa kalian, Allah memudahkan urusan kalian di dunia & akhirat. :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

I have 2 nieces, both of the same age - 4 years old named Ain and Mirza. They went to the same school, Tadika ABIM Semariang. My aunt (their grandma) told me a short-yet-it-happened-to-make-me-LOLing-non-stop conversation between Mirza's and her mom (my cousin, Kak Nana): 

Kak Nana: On the evening you'll be attending kelas Fardhu AIN okay? 
Mirza: *with innocent and face full of jealousy* Why why it has to be Fardhu AIN~? Mirza also wants Fardhu MIRZA

Hahahahhahaha. It happened to be she was not knowing what's Fardhu Ain means yet at that time. Let us pray these two beautiful angels of mine and her aunt will become as solehah as Ummul Mukminin~ 

p/s: Subhanallah, I swear those little angels could melt your sorrow away with their adorable-ness, honesty and innocent acts.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4 Temperaments

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


Last Sunday, after spending too much time indoor I started to feel nauseous. Fidgeting and rolling here and there oh not really rolling duh, I'm not really that light to roll here and there easily. Well, its a so called Sanguine Syndrome. :P 

Ah well, I particularly write this post to recommend a book which I bought at Kinokuniya! Oh this place is heaven~ Its books, floor, bench, staff and cool-book & map-machine wohoo I have more to say but lets keep it simple: Kinokuniya is awesome! It even has cafe yeah I know MPH already has one since forever but MPH is too far from my place *whyyyy you people close your shop in Bukit Bintang and I only knew about this last 3 months even though the shop was closed 2 years ago after spending 2 hours looking for that store and end up of buying a skirt. tragic isn't?*

Enough on the 'brief' intro about Kino. 

Now presenting to you guys, tadaaaaa: 

PERSONALITY PLUS BY FLORENCE LITTAUER! I have been eyeing for this book since last 6 months and usually end up of not buying it as I have spent money over other things for that month. Luckily, during my visit, Kino was offering discount for few books and apparently PP was one of them! When I read this book, I felt like I was glued on the bench. I couldn't move even if i want to. LOL. 

Let me make a short summary on this book:
- Once you read the name I am pretty sure it rings a bell. Its a self-improving, motivation and a bit of psychological. Don't get trick by the title, its not containing heavy contents. This woman Florence really makes me feel like " I am glad there's someone think and act like me. Hence, I am normal~" Being a Sanguine/Choleric type she tells lots of stories and I even imagine herself being so chirpy and bubbly telling me each of her story. 

- Basically this book elaborates more on the 4 Temperaments Personality interpretation by Hippocrates, Greek's physician (460–370 BC). The picture below will give you an introduction to the 4 Temperaments.

After looking at the pictures, who do you think you are? The bubbly Sanguine :3 or strong willed Choleric V^_^Vor is it perfectionist Melancholy B) or cool Phlegmatic O-O ? You can possess a combination of these. To know better, buy this book. I don't really have strength to type too many words here. Hehe. What I want to highlight here is it stress on how to learn to accept ourselves and others. ^_^

- Besides, she even share on how to polish our strengths and overcome our weaknesses. This really helps me to actually control myself. Haha. Before reading her book, I have started to practise some of her advices and alhamdulillah they really working well on me. This makes me wanting so bad to meet her in person.  >_< 

Why am I promoting this book? 

The main reason is I want you guys to feel good about yourself and others like what I feel. Good thing is meant to be shared isn't it? Andd actually the other thing is this book can be useful in dakwah too. Tell me how can you preach or doing dakwah to someone which you can't even accept themselves as they are. So thats my point. 

You got what I mean? I am sure you are. B)

Friday, June 28, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Salam~ Masha Allah, its been a long long time since I've scribble something on this blog. Pheww~ I am ecstatic to learn the fact that I managed to finish my third year in the coolest way ever. :D Seriously third year is equal to MADNESS! I am VERY GLADDDDDD Allah let my friends and I to survive this super hectic life. 

Let me make you guys clear why it is equal to MADNESS. Hoho. Classes often ended at 730pm, went through jam from Cheras to KL for like 1 and half hour or more before be at home at 9-10pm. During clinical, I went out at 630 or 7 am depending on hospital location then going back at 530-730 pm daily. After do whatever I had to do, as early as 830 or 900 pm I went to bed. Those were my routine for semester one. Not to mentioned sleepless night and the worst of all was exams 6 DAYS IN ROW! YES, 6 DAYS IN ROW WITHOUT GAP *faint*. 

In the middle of first semester I noticed that it was full of tears, negative aura wandering around.  I tried very hard to juggle everything, to cope up with everything somehow I failed. Semester 1 was the time which I  could tell I am in depression! I just do not know how to keep everything in order. I felt 'lost', being out of the orbit, not on the right track.

At one time where I felt hopeless, tired and super duper stress enough I asked Allah, 

Why am I being like this o Allah? 

Why my life is sooooooooo miserable? I don't think I can carry on o Allah.  

Did I possibly do anything wrong?

Allah's answer my prayer by showing me one by one what was actually going so wrong. 

I DID NOT GO TO TA'LIM *majlis ilmu*. 





I admit I was overwhelmed with dunya matters that I forgot to spare sometime to attend ta'lim and do routine I usually did before this. Allah the most Merciful gave me this miserable life to guide me back to him. T_T Lucky me Allah still has His mercy for me to be on the right track again. 


Right before second semester began, I prayed to Allah,

to keep me in the right track and to please give me strength to fight nafs, 

to let me attend ta'lim at least twice a day,

to always tune in to for any talk or anything which reminds Him all the time through thick or thin

Besides, I started to make a DOs and DON'Ts list for the upcoming hectic life to ensure I use my time wisely .  Alhamdulillah yeay~! Allah answer my prayer again~! To make my second semester life lively again Allah sent me few friends who accompanied me to ta'lim and maulid. They all went to maulid and ta'lim before I joined them, I was totally my fault I did not keep in touch to know what's happening around me. *palm on face* 

Even though second semester was 2 times busier and tougher than the first one, I managed to go through everything calmly with less complain ^_^ V . There were lots of time I felt so hopeless and bad things came up but Allah gave me the strength to carry on with everything with smile :) . 

Yes, alhamdulillah I could smile and felt so calm even though I had 3 weeks of exams with 13 exams (paper, osce, ospe, viva) with ' exam marathon' for 6 days in row (it was supposed to be 9 days) plus having dengue fever during exam week. 

As I was hospitalized, my marathon stop for a while for 3 days. I am enjoying myself resting in HKL, meeting new people, having conversation with nurses and 'neighbours'. LOL. Then, I energetically continue my marathon right after I was admitted which still not reach its end though as my last paper will be next week. Taking exam alone is cool. :D Its only me and the lecturer and one university staff I guess. I can't wait for that moment to come~ 


As a summary, *a so called-summary hoho*

I would like to share one surah to sum up this whole lengthy entry: 

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (Az-Zumar:53)

As reminder to particularly to me and you *if there's anyone reading. hoho*

IF THERE ARE FLAWS IN OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ALLAH, OTHER THINGS WILL NEVER GO RIGHT. Your life will be miserable and be in constant worry about every single thing. Why? Because when we forget Allah in everything we do, we will tend to rely on ourselves. We think we can do this that perfectly because of our efforts. When we start to rely on ourselves everything won't go right peeps. This is solely because we human, His servant are weak! We often being control by syaitan, nafs. We tend to make wrong decision. 

One thing about relying on ourselves simply means we are being ARROGANT towards Allah, our Lord. Its like we are indirectly telling Allah; we do not need Him to interfere with our lives.  We know what to do *even though we don't*. T_T Allah knows that sometimes we did this because we are weak, we forget, we lost the fight with our nafs, that's why He lead us to the right path and accept our taubat even though we have made like mountain of sins. T_T 

Let us be grateful for anything Allah has fated to be happen in our lives and try to find hikmah beyond the good (nikmat) and bad (musibah) things which pop up. Yes, in both good and bad things. Allah let things happen in life for some reasons which sometimes we are blinded by our sins that we can't see or understand them. Together we pray may Allah grant us to let us keep faith in him through thick and thin and hoping that he will guide us to find and see the  hikmah for those good and bad things, particularly the bad one. (: 

Pen off. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wonderful Life!

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


Another awesome week have passed! Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli nikmat~ Met wonderful people at Putrajaya Hospital. Yes, I am doing my clinical for 5 weeks this holiday. Last week I was stationed at Ultrasound Room. On my third day, I met and introduced myself to the Head of Department for she was not around on my first day. 

"I have 21 days to be completed in 5 weeks because of the holidays and all" 

"So, during holidays you don't have to come still you have to complete those 21 days, how do you find it?"

"Good, its okay, more weeks more cases I'll encounter"

"Well good then. As a student you have to SACRIFICE. When you are working, at that time then you can relax." 

There was time I felt so unlucky for not having holiday as other friends had. After some time, I told myself "I should be happy and positive! Hospital is a great place to meet loads of people from various background. Sure I can learn valuable & fun things from them."

Alhamdulillah a week has passed by, He let me met wonderful doctors, patients, radiographers and nurses! They were being good to me and my friends. Thought us this and that. Trust me to scan patient~! Haha. Thank you so much Dr Michelle.*hugs*

Be positive then others will follow you. (:

 “Aku adalah seperti sangkaan hambaKu terhadap Aku. Dan Aku bersamanya tatkala Dia mengingatiKu. Sekiranya dia mengingatiKu dalam dirinya, maka Aku akan mengingatinya dalam diriKu. Sekiranya dia mengingatiKu di khalayak ramai, maka Aku akan mengingatinya di depan khalayak ramai yang lebih mulia(para malaikat dan nabi-nabi). Jika hambaKu mendekatiKu sejengkal, Aku akan mendekatinya sehasta. Jika hambaKu mendekatiKu sehasta, Aku akan mendekatinya sedepa. Jika hambaKu mendekatiKu dalam keadaan berjalan, Aku akan mendekatiNya dalam keadaan berlari(cepat).” Hadith Qudsi Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim. Hadith nombor 59 dalam Kitab Al-Wafi karangan Imam An-Nawawi.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I am a Muslim, said he.

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

His name is HT. 
He is a typical Chinese guy. Sepet eyes. Spiky stylish hair. By fate, we were in the same class. In our first Pendidikan Islam class he was in! My friends and I were shocked and puzzled. 

“I am a Muslim” said he.

His family, until now not know he is the Believer. He went to church for Sunday prayer. He only got chance to pray when he was away from home, said he narrated to us during our first class.

In matriculation, he took the risk to declare his faith openly. Went to masjid. Fasting. It was my favorite to had discussion and debate with him about Islam and the comparison between Christian and Islam. Apparently, he knew vast Islamic knowledge than I did. Shame on me, being a Muslim from birth and take this hidayah He gave me for granted. Eye and mind-opener he was and always be.

May Allah bless him, ease everything. My pray is always with you my friend. Always insha Allah. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mak cik-mak cik

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


A few hectic days had passed by. Alhamdulillah I am still survived!Haha. Had an ultrasound OSCE on 31st. Then the very next day if it was not public holiday I am pretty sure I will have another exam. On 2nd January had OSCE Specialized Radiography. And todayyy Ultrasound written paper. Next week, the real battle begin! Yeah, this weeks' were just warming up I would say. From Monday to Friday full with Viva, OSCE and written papers. May Allah ease everything! No point of whining or complaining. Just go through everything. :D

After finished with Ultrasound paper just now, I went to shop few supplements from Cosway. Yes, kind of mak cik mak cik type isn't it? LOL. Last year, I realized how I am being so lemah longlai and all. Soooo, I bought multivitamin. But because it was a synthetic one so I stop taking it. Then one day in October I went to Lowyat with a friend and we sesat-sesatkan diri at Times Square. There I met this Cosway branch. Know few friends who used their products and they gave me pretty convincing remarks so I memak cik-mak cikkan diri ke Cosway to search for organic multivitamin. Well, teenagers don't really into this Cosway thingy kan? That is why I changed my blog name to Chronicles of a Lady. :D Tipu semata-mata. 

Alhamdulillah, after taking organic multivitamin --> Spirulina and salmon fish oil for DHA and EPA --> Supa Epa I feel better! No more diarrhea. More energetic and fresh~ 

For my birthday present kindly please buy me organic multivitamin or supplements.Haha. See how mak cik mak cik I have became. 

Ah, let me show you few pictures I have taken during my short guilty-pleasure-escape before I stop and start to date with books again. 

Cook book is the first thing I will grab of course in the bookstore. Since I have no more extra money left for this month because of the supplements, taking their photo will do lah. And, I bought myself a new planner~ Big and I can write things sebesar-besar alam which will replace my hanger-A4- calendar. Hehe. 

Okay, I should stop. May Allah bless us. (:

Friday, August 16, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Semasa berkunjung di rumah Mudir Madrasah Al-Khairat Kuching yang tidak pernah berputus asa berdakwah di Sarawak selama 30 tahun iaitu Habib Muhammad Bin Alawi Al-Attas (gambar: 2 dari kanan) beliau ringan mulut berceloteh tentang falsafah hidup di sebalik pelbagai ciptaan Allah. Syoknya pergi beraya ke rumah orang-orang soleh, perut dengan hati sekali yang terisi. :)

Sumber: Pondok Habib

Antara tausiyahnya yang paling saya ingati ialah

Cili itu rasanya? tanya beliau.

Pedas~ jawab kanak-kanak riang. Hehe.

Pernah belah cili dan tengok bijinya?


Bentuknya seperti apa?

Mm? Selama ni main potong-potong je tak beri perhatian pun dekat biji cili yang kecil molek tu. -_- 

Bentuknya seperti hati! *senyum* Kepedasan cili itu umpama ujian hidup di dunia dan di sebalik setiap ujian ada kasih sayang Allah mengiringi seperti banyaknya biji cili yang berbentuk hati itu. 


Nanges sebab asyik lupa. Selepas dengar tausiyah ni pun esoknya merungut lagi lagi dan lagi. Kecewa lagi lagi dan lagi. Tak bersyukur lagi lagi dan lagi. Dulu bukan main doa nak Allah bagi ingat Allah setiap masa. Bila Allah bagi ujian silih berganti macam marathon supaya boleh ingat Allah setiap masa sebab memang fitrah hamba masa susahnya paling ingat Allah tak redha pulak. 

Tini, Tini. 

Tolong doakan saya. Semoga dengan doa kalian, Allah memudahkan urusan kalian di dunia & akhirat. :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

I have 2 nieces, both of the same age - 4 years old named Ain and Mirza. They went to the same school, Tadika ABIM Semariang. My aunt (their grandma) told me a short-yet-it-happened-to-make-me-LOLing-non-stop conversation between Mirza's and her mom (my cousin, Kak Nana): 

Kak Nana: On the evening you'll be attending kelas Fardhu AIN okay? 
Mirza: *with innocent and face full of jealousy* Why why it has to be Fardhu AIN~? Mirza also wants Fardhu MIRZA

Hahahahhahaha. It happened to be she was not knowing what's Fardhu Ain means yet at that time. Let us pray these two beautiful angels of mine and her aunt will become as solehah as Ummul Mukminin~ 

p/s: Subhanallah, I swear those little angels could melt your sorrow away with their adorable-ness, honesty and innocent acts.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4 Temperaments

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


Last Sunday, after spending too much time indoor I started to feel nauseous. Fidgeting and rolling here and there oh not really rolling duh, I'm not really that light to roll here and there easily. Well, its a so called Sanguine Syndrome. :P 

Ah well, I particularly write this post to recommend a book which I bought at Kinokuniya! Oh this place is heaven~ Its books, floor, bench, staff and cool-book & map-machine wohoo I have more to say but lets keep it simple: Kinokuniya is awesome! It even has cafe yeah I know MPH already has one since forever but MPH is too far from my place *whyyyy you people close your shop in Bukit Bintang and I only knew about this last 3 months even though the shop was closed 2 years ago after spending 2 hours looking for that store and end up of buying a skirt. tragic isn't?*

Enough on the 'brief' intro about Kino. 

Now presenting to you guys, tadaaaaa: 

PERSONALITY PLUS BY FLORENCE LITTAUER! I have been eyeing for this book since last 6 months and usually end up of not buying it as I have spent money over other things for that month. Luckily, during my visit, Kino was offering discount for few books and apparently PP was one of them! When I read this book, I felt like I was glued on the bench. I couldn't move even if i want to. LOL. 

Let me make a short summary on this book:
- Once you read the name I am pretty sure it rings a bell. Its a self-improving, motivation and a bit of psychological. Don't get trick by the title, its not containing heavy contents. This woman Florence really makes me feel like " I am glad there's someone think and act like me. Hence, I am normal~" Being a Sanguine/Choleric type she tells lots of stories and I even imagine herself being so chirpy and bubbly telling me each of her story. 

- Basically this book elaborates more on the 4 Temperaments Personality interpretation by Hippocrates, Greek's physician (460–370 BC). The picture below will give you an introduction to the 4 Temperaments.

After looking at the pictures, who do you think you are? The bubbly Sanguine :3 or strong willed Choleric V^_^Vor is it perfectionist Melancholy B) or cool Phlegmatic O-O ? You can possess a combination of these. To know better, buy this book. I don't really have strength to type too many words here. Hehe. What I want to highlight here is it stress on how to learn to accept ourselves and others. ^_^

- Besides, she even share on how to polish our strengths and overcome our weaknesses. This really helps me to actually control myself. Haha. Before reading her book, I have started to practise some of her advices and alhamdulillah they really working well on me. This makes me wanting so bad to meet her in person.  >_< 

Why am I promoting this book? 

The main reason is I want you guys to feel good about yourself and others like what I feel. Good thing is meant to be shared isn't it? Andd actually the other thing is this book can be useful in dakwah too. Tell me how can you preach or doing dakwah to someone which you can't even accept themselves as they are. So thats my point. 

You got what I mean? I am sure you are. B)

Friday, June 28, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

Salam~ Masha Allah, its been a long long time since I've scribble something on this blog. Pheww~ I am ecstatic to learn the fact that I managed to finish my third year in the coolest way ever. :D Seriously third year is equal to MADNESS! I am VERY GLADDDDDD Allah let my friends and I to survive this super hectic life. 

Let me make you guys clear why it is equal to MADNESS. Hoho. Classes often ended at 730pm, went through jam from Cheras to KL for like 1 and half hour or more before be at home at 9-10pm. During clinical, I went out at 630 or 7 am depending on hospital location then going back at 530-730 pm daily. After do whatever I had to do, as early as 830 or 900 pm I went to bed. Those were my routine for semester one. Not to mentioned sleepless night and the worst of all was exams 6 DAYS IN ROW! YES, 6 DAYS IN ROW WITHOUT GAP *faint*. 

In the middle of first semester I noticed that it was full of tears, negative aura wandering around.  I tried very hard to juggle everything, to cope up with everything somehow I failed. Semester 1 was the time which I  could tell I am in depression! I just do not know how to keep everything in order. I felt 'lost', being out of the orbit, not on the right track.

At one time where I felt hopeless, tired and super duper stress enough I asked Allah, 

Why am I being like this o Allah? 

Why my life is sooooooooo miserable? I don't think I can carry on o Allah.  

Did I possibly do anything wrong?

Allah's answer my prayer by showing me one by one what was actually going so wrong. 

I DID NOT GO TO TA'LIM *majlis ilmu*. 





I admit I was overwhelmed with dunya matters that I forgot to spare sometime to attend ta'lim and do routine I usually did before this. Allah the most Merciful gave me this miserable life to guide me back to him. T_T Lucky me Allah still has His mercy for me to be on the right track again. 


Right before second semester began, I prayed to Allah,

to keep me in the right track and to please give me strength to fight nafs, 

to let me attend ta'lim at least twice a day,

to always tune in to for any talk or anything which reminds Him all the time through thick or thin

Besides, I started to make a DOs and DON'Ts list for the upcoming hectic life to ensure I use my time wisely .  Alhamdulillah yeay~! Allah answer my prayer again~! To make my second semester life lively again Allah sent me few friends who accompanied me to ta'lim and maulid. They all went to maulid and ta'lim before I joined them, I was totally my fault I did not keep in touch to know what's happening around me. *palm on face* 

Even though second semester was 2 times busier and tougher than the first one, I managed to go through everything calmly with less complain ^_^ V . There were lots of time I felt so hopeless and bad things came up but Allah gave me the strength to carry on with everything with smile :) . 

Yes, alhamdulillah I could smile and felt so calm even though I had 3 weeks of exams with 13 exams (paper, osce, ospe, viva) with ' exam marathon' for 6 days in row (it was supposed to be 9 days) plus having dengue fever during exam week. 

As I was hospitalized, my marathon stop for a while for 3 days. I am enjoying myself resting in HKL, meeting new people, having conversation with nurses and 'neighbours'. LOL. Then, I energetically continue my marathon right after I was admitted which still not reach its end though as my last paper will be next week. Taking exam alone is cool. :D Its only me and the lecturer and one university staff I guess. I can't wait for that moment to come~ 


As a summary, *a so called-summary hoho*

I would like to share one surah to sum up this whole lengthy entry: 

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (Az-Zumar:53)

As reminder to particularly to me and you *if there's anyone reading. hoho*

IF THERE ARE FLAWS IN OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ALLAH, OTHER THINGS WILL NEVER GO RIGHT. Your life will be miserable and be in constant worry about every single thing. Why? Because when we forget Allah in everything we do, we will tend to rely on ourselves. We think we can do this that perfectly because of our efforts. When we start to rely on ourselves everything won't go right peeps. This is solely because we human, His servant are weak! We often being control by syaitan, nafs. We tend to make wrong decision. 

One thing about relying on ourselves simply means we are being ARROGANT towards Allah, our Lord. Its like we are indirectly telling Allah; we do not need Him to interfere with our lives.  We know what to do *even though we don't*. T_T Allah knows that sometimes we did this because we are weak, we forget, we lost the fight with our nafs, that's why He lead us to the right path and accept our taubat even though we have made like mountain of sins. T_T 

Let us be grateful for anything Allah has fated to be happen in our lives and try to find hikmah beyond the good (nikmat) and bad (musibah) things which pop up. Yes, in both good and bad things. Allah let things happen in life for some reasons which sometimes we are blinded by our sins that we can't see or understand them. Together we pray may Allah grant us to let us keep faith in him through thick and thin and hoping that he will guide us to find and see the  hikmah for those good and bad things, particularly the bad one. (: 

Pen off. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wonderful Life!

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


Another awesome week have passed! Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli nikmat~ Met wonderful people at Putrajaya Hospital. Yes, I am doing my clinical for 5 weeks this holiday. Last week I was stationed at Ultrasound Room. On my third day, I met and introduced myself to the Head of Department for she was not around on my first day. 

"I have 21 days to be completed in 5 weeks because of the holidays and all" 

"So, during holidays you don't have to come still you have to complete those 21 days, how do you find it?"

"Good, its okay, more weeks more cases I'll encounter"

"Well good then. As a student you have to SACRIFICE. When you are working, at that time then you can relax." 

There was time I felt so unlucky for not having holiday as other friends had. After some time, I told myself "I should be happy and positive! Hospital is a great place to meet loads of people from various background. Sure I can learn valuable & fun things from them."

Alhamdulillah a week has passed by, He let me met wonderful doctors, patients, radiographers and nurses! They were being good to me and my friends. Thought us this and that. Trust me to scan patient~! Haha. Thank you so much Dr Michelle.*hugs*

Be positive then others will follow you. (:

 “Aku adalah seperti sangkaan hambaKu terhadap Aku. Dan Aku bersamanya tatkala Dia mengingatiKu. Sekiranya dia mengingatiKu dalam dirinya, maka Aku akan mengingatinya dalam diriKu. Sekiranya dia mengingatiKu di khalayak ramai, maka Aku akan mengingatinya di depan khalayak ramai yang lebih mulia(para malaikat dan nabi-nabi). Jika hambaKu mendekatiKu sejengkal, Aku akan mendekatinya sehasta. Jika hambaKu mendekatiKu sehasta, Aku akan mendekatinya sedepa. Jika hambaKu mendekatiKu dalam keadaan berjalan, Aku akan mendekatiNya dalam keadaan berlari(cepat).” Hadith Qudsi Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim. Hadith nombor 59 dalam Kitab Al-Wafi karangan Imam An-Nawawi.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I am a Muslim, said he.

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

His name is HT. 
He is a typical Chinese guy. Sepet eyes. Spiky stylish hair. By fate, we were in the same class. In our first Pendidikan Islam class he was in! My friends and I were shocked and puzzled. 

“I am a Muslim” said he.

His family, until now not know he is the Believer. He went to church for Sunday prayer. He only got chance to pray when he was away from home, said he narrated to us during our first class.

In matriculation, he took the risk to declare his faith openly. Went to masjid. Fasting. It was my favorite to had discussion and debate with him about Islam and the comparison between Christian and Islam. Apparently, he knew vast Islamic knowledge than I did. Shame on me, being a Muslim from birth and take this hidayah He gave me for granted. Eye and mind-opener he was and always be.

May Allah bless him, ease everything. My pray is always with you my friend. Always insha Allah. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mak cik-mak cik

.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.


A few hectic days had passed by. Alhamdulillah I am still survived!Haha. Had an ultrasound OSCE on 31st. Then the very next day if it was not public holiday I am pretty sure I will have another exam. On 2nd January had OSCE Specialized Radiography. And todayyy Ultrasound written paper. Next week, the real battle begin! Yeah, this weeks' were just warming up I would say. From Monday to Friday full with Viva, OSCE and written papers. May Allah ease everything! No point of whining or complaining. Just go through everything. :D

After finished with Ultrasound paper just now, I went to shop few supplements from Cosway. Yes, kind of mak cik mak cik type isn't it? LOL. Last year, I realized how I am being so lemah longlai and all. Soooo, I bought multivitamin. But because it was a synthetic one so I stop taking it. Then one day in October I went to Lowyat with a friend and we sesat-sesatkan diri at Times Square. There I met this Cosway branch. Know few friends who used their products and they gave me pretty convincing remarks so I memak cik-mak cikkan diri ke Cosway to search for organic multivitamin. Well, teenagers don't really into this Cosway thingy kan? That is why I changed my blog name to Chronicles of a Lady. :D Tipu semata-mata. 

Alhamdulillah, after taking organic multivitamin --> Spirulina and salmon fish oil for DHA and EPA --> Supa Epa I feel better! No more diarrhea. More energetic and fresh~ 

For my birthday present kindly please buy me organic multivitamin or supplements.Haha. See how mak cik mak cik I have became. 

Ah, let me show you few pictures I have taken during my short guilty-pleasure-escape before I stop and start to date with books again. 

Cook book is the first thing I will grab of course in the bookstore. Since I have no more extra money left for this month because of the supplements, taking their photo will do lah. And, I bought myself a new planner~ Big and I can write things sebesar-besar alam which will replace my hanger-A4- calendar. Hehe. 

Okay, I should stop. May Allah bless us. (: