Wednesday, July 24, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

I have 2 nieces, both of the same age - 4 years old named Ain and Mirza. They went to the same school, Tadika ABIM Semariang. My aunt (their grandma) told me a short-yet-it-happened-to-make-me-LOLing-non-stop conversation between Mirza's and her mom (my cousin, Kak Nana): 

Kak Nana: On the evening you'll be attending kelas Fardhu AIN okay? 
Mirza: *with innocent and face full of jealousy* Why why it has to be Fardhu AIN~? Mirza also wants Fardhu MIRZA

Hahahahhahaha. It happened to be she was not knowing what's Fardhu Ain means yet at that time. Let us pray these two beautiful angels of mine and her aunt will become as solehah as Ummul Mukminin~ 

p/s: Subhanallah, I swear those little angels could melt your sorrow away with their adorable-ness, honesty and innocent acts.  

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013


.::ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini.sesungguhnya aku tidak berdaya tanpa-Mu::.

I have 2 nieces, both of the same age - 4 years old named Ain and Mirza. They went to the same school, Tadika ABIM Semariang. My aunt (their grandma) told me a short-yet-it-happened-to-make-me-LOLing-non-stop conversation between Mirza's and her mom (my cousin, Kak Nana): 

Kak Nana: On the evening you'll be attending kelas Fardhu AIN okay? 
Mirza: *with innocent and face full of jealousy* Why why it has to be Fardhu AIN~? Mirza also wants Fardhu MIRZA

Hahahahhahaha. It happened to be she was not knowing what's Fardhu Ain means yet at that time. Let us pray these two beautiful angels of mine and her aunt will become as solehah as Ummul Mukminin~ 

p/s: Subhanallah, I swear those little angels could melt your sorrow away with their adorable-ness, honesty and innocent acts.  

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